- Fabrication of Cu-Zn Alloy Nano Powders by Wire Explosion of Electrodeposited Wires
Won-Baek Kim, Je-Shin Park, Chang-Yeul Suh, Jae-Chun Lee, Yong-Jun Oh, Jeong-Il Mun
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2007;14(1):38-43.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2007.14.1.038
- Cu-Zn alloy nano powders were fabricated by the electrical explosion of Zn-electroplated Cu wire along with commercial brass wire. The powders exploded from brass wire were composed mainly of alpha,beta,;and;gamma phases while those from electroplated wires contained additional Zn-rich phases as varepsilon, and Zn. In case of Zn-elec-troplated Cu wire, the mixing time of the two components during explosion might not be long enough to solidify as the phases of lower Zn content. This along with the high vapor pressure of Zn appears to be the reason for the observed shift of explosion products towards the high-Zn phases in electroplated wire system.