- Effects of Nano FexC Addition on Superconducting Properties of MgB2
Dong-Gun Lee, Ji-Hyun Lee, Byung-Hyuk Jun, Soon-Dong Park, Young-Rang Uhm, Hai-Woong Park, Chan-Joong Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2012;19(2):146-150.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2012.19.2.146
- The effects of nano Fe_xC addition to superconducting properties of in situ processed MgB_2 superconductors was examined. 0.1 wt.% and 1 wt.% nano Fe_xC powders were mixed with boron and magnesium powders by ball milling. The powder mixtures were made into pellets by uniaxial pressing. The pellets were heat-treated at 700°C-900°C in argon atmosphere for MgB_2 formation. It was found by powder X-ray diffraction that the raw powders were completely converted into MgB_2 after the heat treatment. The superconducting transition temperature (T_c) and critical current density (J_c), estimated from susceptibility-temperature and M-H curves, were decreased by nano Fe_xC addition. The T_c and J_c decrease by nano Fe_xC addition are attributed to the incorporation of iron and carbon with MgB_2 lattices (Fe substitution for Mg and C substitution for B) due to the high reactivity of the nano Fe_xC powder.