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H.S. Kim 2 Articles
A Study of Electro-Discharge-Sintering of Ti-6Al-4V Spherical Powders Doped with Hydroxyapatite by Spex Milling and Its Consolidation Characteristics
Y.J. Cho, Y.H. Kim, Y.H. Jo, M.J. Kim, H.S. Kim, S.W. Kim, J.H. Park, W.H. Lee
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2013;20(5):376-381.
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  • 1 Citations
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Spherical Ti-6Al-4V powders in the size range of 250 and 300 µm were uniformly doped with nano-sized hydroxyapatite (HAp) powders by Spex milling process. A single pulse of 0.75-2.0 kJ/0.7 g of the Ti-6Al-4V powders doped with HAp from 300 mF capacitor was applied to produce fully porous and porous-surfaced Ti-6Al-4V implant compact by electro-discharge-sintering (EDS). The solid core was automatically formed in the center of the compact after discharge and porous layer consisted of particles connected in three dimensions by necks. The solid core increased with an increase in input energy. The compressive yield strength was in a range of 41 to 215 MPa and significantly depended on input energy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer were used to investigate the surface characteristics of the Ti-6Al-4V compact. Ti and O were the main constituents, with smaller amount of Ca and P. It was thus concluded that the porous-surfaced Ti-6Al-4V implant compacts doped with HAp can be efficiently produced by manipulating the milling and electro-discharge-sintering processes.


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  • Effect of heat treatment on the microstructural and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V-equine bone nanocomposites
    Wonki Jeong, Se-Eun Shin, Hansol Son, Hyunjoo Choi
    Materials Characterization.2021; 179: 111361.     CrossRef
Surface Treatment of Mg95Zn4.3Y0.7 Alloy Powder Consolidates using Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
J.H. Kim, H.S. Choi, D.H. Kim, D.Y. Hwang, H.S. Kim, T.S. Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2008;15(2):95-100.
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The investigation is to modify the mechanical and chemical properties of Mg alloys using a combination of rapid solidification and surface treatment. As the first approach, Mg_95Zn_4.3Y_0.7 was gas atomized and pressure sintered by spark plasma sintering process (SPS), showing much finer microstructure and higher strength than the alloys as cast. Further modification was performed by treating the surface of PM Mg specimen using Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) process. During the PEO processing, MgO layer was initiated to form on the surface of Mg powder compacts, and the thickness and the density of MgO layer were varied with the reaction time. The thickening rate became low with the reaction time due to the limited diffusion rate of Mg ions. The surface morphology, corrosion behavior and wear resistance were also discussed.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials