- Microstructure and Synthesis of Nano Palladium Spot Coated Activated Carbon Powders by Hydrothermal Attachment Method
Hyeong Chul Kim, Jae Kil Han
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2012;19(6):424-428.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2012.19.6.424
- Nano Pd spot-coated active carbon powders were synthesized by a hydrothermal-attachment method (HAA) using PVP capped Pd colloid in a high pressure bomb at 250°C, 450 psi, respectively. The PVP capped Pd colloid was synthesized by the precipitation-redispersion method. PVP capped Pd nano particles showed the narrow size distribution and their particle sizes were less than 8nm in diameter. In the case of nano Pd-spot coated active carbon powders, nano-sized Pd particles were adhered in the active carbon powder surface by HAA method. The component of Pd was homogeneously distributed on the active carbon surface.