- Carbide Ceramics from Active-Filler-Controlled Pyrolysis in CH_4 Atmosphere
Keon-Taek Kang, Deug-Joong Kim, Kaindl Annette, Greil Peter
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 1999;6(4):320-324.
- The formation, microstructure and properties of novel ceramic composite materials manufactured by active-filler-controlled polymer pyrolysis were investigated. In the presence of active filler particles such as transition metals, bulk components of various geometry could be fabricated from siliconorganic polymer. Molybdenum- and tungsten-filled polymer suspensions were prepared and their conversion to ceramic composites by annealing in CH_4 atmosphere were studied. Dimensional change. porosity and phase distribution (filler network) were analyzed and correlated to the resulting hardness values. Molybdenum and tungsten as active filler were carburized completely to Mo_2C, W_2C and WC in CH_4 atmosphere. Consequently, microcrystalline composites with the filler reaction products embedded in a silicon oxycarbide glass matrix were formed. Hardness was increased with increasing carburization and reached 8.6-9.5 GPa in the specimen pyrolyzed in CH_4 atmosphere.