- Phase Transformation and Microstructure of FeSi2 Thermoelectric Compounds Manufactured by Powder Metallurgy
Kyoung-Tae Park, Jin-Gyo Shin, Soon-Jik Hong, Byong-Sun Chun
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2010;17(6):482-488.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2010.17.6.482
- In this study, FeSi_2 as high temperature performance capable thermoelectric materials was manufactured by powder metallurgy.The as-casted Fe-Si alloy was annealed for homogenization below 1200°C for 3 h. Due to its high brittleness, the cast alloy transformed to fine powders by ball-milling, followed by subsequent compaction (hydraulic pressure; 2 GPa) and sintering (1200°C, 12 h). In order to precipitate beta-FeSi_2, heat treatment was performed at 850°C with varying dwell time (7, 15 and 55 h). As a result of this experiment thermoelectric phase beta-FeSi_2 was quickly transformed by powder metallurgical process. There was not much change in powder factor between 7h and 55h specimens.