- Synthesis of Al/AlN Composites by Mechanical Alloying and the Effect of PCA on Their Properties
Seok-Hyeoun Kim, Yong-Jin Kim, Jung-Ho Ahn
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2011;18(3):238-243.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2011.18.3.238
- Al/AlN composites were synthesized by mechanical alloying using process control agents(PCAs). Three different PCAs which contain N element, were examined to see the effectiveness of ball-milling and the nitridation during sintering. Among examined PCAs, C_8H_6N_4O_5 was the most effective to facilitate ball-milling and to form nitrides during a subsequent sintering. By a proper control of ball-milling and sintering, we could obtained surface-hardened Al-based composites.