- Mechanical Properties and Fabrication of Nanostructured ReSi1.75 by High Frequency Induction Heated Combustion Synthesis
Byung-Ryang Kim, Su-Chul Kim, In-Jin Shon
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2009;16(1):16-21.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2009.16.1.016
- Nanostructured ReSi_1.75 was synthesized to have high density via rapid and cost effective process named as high-frequency induction heated combustion synthesis(HFIHCS) method. For the process, mechanically activated Re-Si powder was used, which had been prepared by mechanical ball milling of Re and Si powders with mixing ratio of 1:1.75. Both combustion synthesis and densification were accomplished simultaneously by applying electric current and mechanical pressure of 80 MPa during the process. The average grain size, hardness, and fracture toughness of the compound were 210 nm, 1085 kg/mm2 and 4 MPacdotm1/2, respectively. The experimental results show that HFIHCS is a promising process for synthesis of nanostructured ReSi_1.75 which has a potential for both high temperature and thermo-electric applications.