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Sung-Kyu Lee 2 Articles
The Effect of Milling Conditions for Dissolution Efficiency of Valuable Metals from PDP Waste Panels
Hyo-Seob Kim, Chan-Mi Kim, Chul-Hee Lee, Sung-Kyu Lee, Hyun-Seon Hong, Jar-Myung Koo, Soon-Jik Hong
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2013;20(2):107-113.
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In this study, the microstructure and valuable metals dissolution properties of PDP waste panel powders were investigated as a function of milling parameters such as ball diameter size, milling time, and rotational speed during high-energy milling process. The complete refinement of powder could achieved at the ball diameter size of 5 mm due to sufficient impact energy and the number of collisions. With increasing milling time, the average particle size was rapidly decreased until the first 30 seconds, then decreased gradually about 3µm at 3 minutes and finally, increased with presence of agglomerated particles of 35µm at 5 minutes. Although there was no significant difference on the size of the particle according to the rotational speed from 900 to 1,100 rpm, the total valuable metals dissolution amount was most excellent at 1,100 rpm. As a result, the best milling conditions for maximum dissolving amount of valuable metals (Mg: 375 ppm, Ag 135 ppm, In: 17 ppm) in this research were achieved with 5 mm of ball diameter size, 3min of milling time, and 1,100 rpm of rotational speed.


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  • Comparison Of Mercury Distribution Between The Types Of Spent Fluorescent Lamp
    S.W. Rhee, H.-S. Park, H.H. Choi
    Archives of Metallurgy and Materials.2015; 60(2): 1297.     CrossRef
Morphologies of Brazed NiO-YSZ/316 Stainless Steel Using B-Ni2 Brazing Filler Alloy in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System
Sung-Kyu Lee, Kyoung-Hoon Kang, Hyun-Seon Hong, Sang-Kook Woo
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2011;18(5):430-436.
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Joining of NiO-YSZ to 316 stainless steel was carried out with B-Ni2 brazing alloy (3 wt% Fe, 4.5 wt% Si, 3.2 wt% B, 7 wt% Cr, Ni-balance, m.p. 971-999°C) to seal the NiO-YSZ anode/316 stainless steel interconnect structure in a SOFC. In the present research, interfacial (chemical) reactions during brazing at the NiO-YSZ/316 stainless steel interconnect were enhanced by the two processing methods, a) addition of an electroless nickel plate to NiO-YSZ as a coating or b) deposition of titanium layer onto NiO-YSZ by magnetron plasma sputtering method, with process variables and procedures optimized during the pre-processing. Brazing was performed in a cold-wall vacuum furnace at 1080°C. Post-brazing interfacial morphologies between NiO-YSZ and 316 stainless steel were examined by SEM and EDS methods. The results indicate that B-Ni2 brazing filler alloy was fused fully during brazing and continuous interfacial layer formation depended on the method of pre-coating NiO-YSZ. The inter-diffusion of elements was promoted by titanium-deposition: the diffusion reaction thickness of the interfacial area was reduced to less than 5 µm compared to 100 µm for electroless nickel-deposited NiO-YSZ cermet.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials