- Facile Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Ultra-fine ZrC Powders by Carbothermal Reduction Method Using Nanosized ZrO2 and Nanosized Graphite Powder Mixtures
Wha-Jun Lee, Sung-Soo Ryu
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2013;20(2):100-106.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2013.20.2.100
- Ultra-fine zirconium carbide (ZrC) powder with nano-sized primary particles was synthesized by the carbothermal reduction method by using nano-sized ZrO_2 and nano-sized graphite powders mixture. The synthesized ZrC powder was well dispersed after simple milling process. After heat-treatment at 1500°C for 2 h under vacuum, ultra-fine ZrC powder agglomerates (average size, 4.2µm) were facilely obtained with rounded particle shape and particle size of ~200 nm. Ultra-fine ZrC powder with an average particle size of 316 nm was obtained after ball milling process in a planetary mill for 30 minutes from the agglomerated ZrC powder.