- Suppression of Abnormal Grain Growth in Barium Titanate by Atmosphere Control
Byoung-Ki Lee, Sung-Yoon Chung, Yang-Il Jung, L. Suk-Joong
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2001;8(2):131-135.
- The ferroelectric properties of barium titanate strongly depend on its microstructure, in particular, grain size and distribution. During sintering, BaTiO_3 usually exhibits abnormal grain growth, which deteriorates considerably the ferroelectric properties. A typical technique to suppress the abnormal grain growth is the addition of dopants. Dopant addition, however, affects the ferroelectric properties and thus limits the application of BaTiO_3. Here, we report a simple but novel technique to prevent the abnormal grain growth of BaTiO_3 and to overcome the limitation of dopant use. The technique consists of stepwise sintering in a reducing atmosphere and in an oxidizing atmosphere. The materials prepared by the present technique exhibit uniform grain size and high dielectric properties. The technique should provide opportunities of having BaTiO_3-based materials with superior ferroelectric properties.