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Byoungchul Hwang 1 Article
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Machine Learning-based Data Analysis for Designing High-strength Nb-based Superalloys
Eunho Ma, Suwon Park, Hyunjoo Choi, Byoungchul Hwang, Jongmin Byun
J Powder Mater. 2023;30(3):217-222.   Published online June 1, 2023
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Machine learning-based data analysis approaches have been employed to overcome the limitations in accurately analyzing data and to predict the results of the design of Nb-based superalloys. In this study, a database containing the composition of the alloying elements and their room-temperature tensile strengths was prepared based on a previous study. After computing the correlation between the tensile strength at room temperature and the composition, a material science analysis was conducted on the elements with high correlation coefficients. These alloying elements were found to have a significant effect on the variation in the tensile strength of Nb-based alloys at room temperature. Through this process, a model was derived to predict the properties using four machine learning algorithms. The Bayesian ridge regression algorithm proved to be the optimal model when Y, Sc, W, Cr, Mo, Sn, and Ti were used as input features. This study demonstrates the successful application of machine learning techniques to effectively analyze data and predict outcomes, thereby providing valuable insights into the design of Nb-based superalloys.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials