- The Fabrication of Al-Cu Alloy Nano Powders by a New Method Combining Electrodeposition and Electrical Wire Explosion
Je-Shin Park, Chang-Youl Suh, Han-Kwon Chang, Jae-Chun Lee, Won-Baek Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2006;13(3):187-191.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2006.13.3.187
- Al-Cu alloy nano powders were produced by the electrical explosion of Cu-plated Al wires. The composition and phase of the alloy could be controlled by varying the thickness of Cu deposit on Al wire. When the Cu layer was thin, Al solid solution and CuAl_2 were the major phases. As the Cu layer becomes thicker, Al diminished while Al_4Cu_9 phase prevailed instead. The average particle size of Al-Cu nano powders became slightly smaller from 63 nm to 44 nm as Cu layer becomes thicker. The oxygen content of Al-Cu powder decreased linearly with Cu content. It is well demonstrated that the electrodeposition combined with wire explosion could be simple and economical means to prepare variety of alloy and intermetallic nano powders.