- Porosity Prediction of the Coating Layer Based on Process Conditions of HVOF Thermal Spray Coating
Junhyub Jeon, Namhyuk Seo, Jong Jae Lee, Seung Bae Son, Seok-Jae Lee
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2021;28(6):478-482. Published online December 1, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2021.28.6.478
The effect of the process conditions of high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) thermal spray coating on the porosity of the coating layer is investigated. HVOF coating layers are formed by depositing amorphous FeMoCrBC powder. Oxygen pressure varies from 126 to 146 psi and kerosene pressure from 110 to 130 psi. The Microstructural analysis confirms its porosity. Data analysis is performed using experimental data. The oxygen pressure-kerosene pressure ratio is found to be a key contributor to the porosity. An empirical model is proposed using linear regression analysis. The proposed model is then validated using additional test data. We confirm that the oxygen pressure-kerosene pressure ratio exponentially increases porosity. We present a porosity prediction model relationship for the oxygen pressure-kerosene pressure ratio.