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Sang Uk Kim 1 Article
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Study for the Process Parameter Control to Achieve High Build Rate of Laser Powder Bed Fused IN718 Super Alloy Using Optimal VED
Sang Uk Kim, Kyu-Sik Kim, Yongho Sohn, Kee-Ahn Lee
J Powder Mater. 2022;29(5):390-398.   Published online October 1, 2022
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Recently, considerable attention has been given to nickel-based superalloys used in additive manufacturing. However, additive manufacturing is limited by a slow build rate in obtaining optimal densities. In this study, optimal volumetric energy density (VED) was calculated using optimal process parameters of IN718 provided by additive manufacturing of laser powder-bed fusion. The laser power and scan speed were controlled using the same ratio to maintain the optimal VED and achieve a fast build rate. Cube samples were manufactured using seven process parameters, including an optimal process parameter. Analysis was conducted based on changes in density and melt-pool morphology. At a low laser power and scan speed, the energy applied to the powder bed was proportional to and not . At a high laser power and scan speed, a curved track was formed due to Plateau-Rayleigh instability. However, a wide melt-pool shape and continuous track were formed, which did not significantly affect the density. We were able to verify the validity of the VED formula and succeeded in achieving a 75% higher build rate than that of the optimal parameter, with a slight decrease in density and hardness.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials