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Sangyeob Lim 1 Article
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Irradiation Hardening Property of Inconel 718 Alloy produced by Selective Laser Melting
Joowon Suh, Sangyeob Lim, Hyung-Ha Jin, Young-Bum Chun, Suk Hoon Kang, Heung Nam Han
J Powder Mater. 2023;30(5):431-435.   Published online October 1, 2023
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An irradiation hardening of Inconel 718 produced by selective laser melting (SLM) was studied based on the microstructural observation and mechanical behavior. Ion irradiation for emulating neutron irradiation has been proposed owing to advantages such as low radiation emission and short experimental periods. To prevent softening caused by the dissolution of γ' and γ'' precipitates due to irradiation, only solution annealing (SA) was performed. SLM SA Inconel 718 specimen was ion irradiated to demonstrate the difference in microstructure and mechanical properties between the irradiated and non-irradiated specimens. After exposing specimens to Fe3+ ions irradiation up to 100 dpa (displacement per atom) at an ambient temperature, the hardness of irradiated specimens was measured by nanoindentation as a function of depth. The depth distribution profile of Fe3+ and dpa were calculated by the Monte Carlo SRIM (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter)-2013 code under the assumption of the displacement threshold energy of 40 eV. A transmission electron microscope was utilized to observe the formation of irradiation defects such as dislocation loops. This study reveals that the Frank partial dislocation loops induce irradiation hardening of SLM SA Inconel 718 specimens.


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Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials