- Effect of Annealing on Microstructural and Mechanical Property Variation of the Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Cu alloy
Yong-Suk Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2006;13(1):25-32.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2006.13.1.025
- The alumina dispersion-strengthened (DS) C15715 Cu alloy fabricated by a powder metallurgy route was annealed at temperatures ranging from 800°C;to;1000°C in the air and in vacuum. The effect of the annealing on microstructural stability and room-temperature mechanical properties of the alloy was investigated. The microstructure of the cold rolled OS alloy remained stable until the annealing at 900°C in the air and in vacuum. No recrystallization of original grains occurred, but the dislocation density decreased and newly formed subgrains were observed. The alloy annealed at 1000°C in the air experienced recrystallization and grain growth took place, however annealing in vacuum at 1000°C did not cause the microstructural change. The mechanical property of the alloy was changed slightly with the annealing if the microstructure remained stable. However, the strength of the specimen that was recrystallized decreased drastically.
- Sliding Wear and Friction Behavior of Electro-Pressure Sintered Co-Fe and Co-Ni Compacts
Yong Kwon, Tai-Woung Kim, Yong-Suk Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2004;11(6):451-461.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2004.11.6.451
- Dry sliding wear behavior of electro-pressure sintered Co-Fe and Co-Ni compacts was investigated. Pin-on-disk wear tests were performed on the sintered Co-Fe, Co-Ni disks against alumina (Al_2O_3) and silica (SiO_2) balls at various loads ranging from 3N to 12N. A constant sliding speed of 0.1m/sec was employed. Wear rate was calculated by dividing the weight loss of a specimen by the measured specific gravity and sliding dis-tance. Worn surfaces and cross-sections of the specimens were examined using an SEM and EDS to investigate wear mechanism of the compacts. The wear behavior of the compacts were discussed as a function of their com-position. Effects of mechancial properties of the compact as well as oxide layers formed on wearing surface on the wear were also discussed.