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가시광 활성 WO3-TiO2 복합체 광촉매의 제조 및 이의 특성 평가
여인철, 강인철
Preparation of WO3-TiO2 Photocatalyst and Evaluation of Its Photo-activity in the Visible Light Range
In-Chul Yeo, In-Cheol Kang
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2013;20(6):474-478
1인천대학교, 기계시스템 공학부
2(재)인천테크노파크, 융복합산업지원센터
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Incheon University
2Technology Convergence Center, IncheonTechnopark
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The most general photocatalyst, TiO_2 and WO_3, are acknowledged to be ineffective in range of visible light. Therefore, many efforts have been directed at improving their activity such as: band-gap narrowing with non-metal element doping and making composites with high specific surface area to effectively separate electrons and holes. In this paper, the method was introduced to prepare a photo-active catalyst to visible irradiation by making a mixture with TiO_2 and WO_3. In the TiO_2-WO_3 composite, WO_3 absorbs visible light creating excited electrons and holes while some of the excited electrons move to TiO_2 and the holes remain in WO_3. This charge separation reduces electron-hole recombination resulting in an enhancement of photocatalytic activity. Added Ag plays the role of electron acceptor, retarding the recombination rate of excited electrons and holes. In making a mixture of TiO_2-WO_3 composite, the mixing route affects the photocatalytic activity. The planetary ball-mill method is more effective than magnetic stirring route, owing to a more effective dispersion of aggregated powders. The volume ratio of TiO_2(4) and WO_3(6) shows the most effective photocatalytic activity in the range of visible light in the view point of effective separation of electrons and holes.

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