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분무열분해공정에 의한 인듐 산화물 나노 분말 제조에 미치는 반응인자들의 영향
Effect of Reaction Factors on the Fabrication of Nano-Sized Indium Oxide Powder by Spray Pyrolysis Process
Jae-Keun Yu
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2004;11(6):493-502
호서대학교 신소재공학전공
Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Hoseo University
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In this study, nano-sized indium oxide powder with the average particle size below 100 nm is fab-ricated from the indium chloride solution by the spray pyrolysis process. The effects of the reaction temperature, the concentration of raw material solution and the inlet speed of solution on the properties of powder were studied. As the reaction temperature increased from 850 to 1000°C, the average particle size of produced powder increased from 30 to 100 nm, and microstructure became more solid, the particle size distribution was more irregular, the intensity of a XRD peak increased and specific surface area decreased. As the indium concentration of the raw material solution increased from 40 to 350 g/l, the average particle size of the powder gradually increased from 20 to 60 nm, yet the particle size distribution appeared more irregular, the intensity of a XRD peak increased and spe-cific surface area decreased. As the inlet speed of solution increased from 2 to 5 cc/min., the average particle size of the powder decreased and the particle size distribution became more homogeneous. In case of the inlet speed of 10 cc/min, the average particle size was larger and the particle size distribution was much irregular compared with the inlet speed of 5 cc/min. As the inlet speed of solution was 50 cc/min, the average particle size was smaller and microstructure of the powder was less solid compared with the inlet speed of 10 cc/min. The intensity of a XRD peak and the variation of specific area of the powder had the same tendency with the variation of the average par-ticle size.

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