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플라즈마 스프레이 (LaSr)(CrCo)O3 코팅된 STS-430 합금의 고온 산화 거동 및 전기적 특성
이충환, 임경태, 백경호
Oxidation and Electrical Properties of (LaSr)(CrCo)3Coated STS-430 Steel by Plasma Spraying
Chung-Hwan Lee, Kyeong-Tae Lim, Kyeong-Ho Baik
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2009;16(3):185-190
1충남대학교 나노공학부
2충남대학교 나노공학부
3충남대학교 나노공학부
1Department of Nanomaterials Engineering, Chungnam National University
2Department of Nanomaterials Engineering, Chungnam National University
3Department of Nanomaterials Engineering, Chungnam National University
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Fe-Cr steels are the most promising candidate for interconnect in solid oxide fuel cells. In this study, an effective, dense and well adherent (LaSr)(CrCo)O_3 [LSCC] coating layer was produced onto 430 stainless steel (STS-430) by atmospheric plasma spraying and the oxidation behavior as well as electrical properties of the LSCC coated STS-430 were investigated. A significant oxidation of pristine STS-430 occurred at 800°C in air environment, leading to the formation of Cr_2O_3 and FeCr_2O_4 scale layer up to sim7µm after 1200h, and consequently increased an area specific resistance of 330;mOmegacdotcm2. Although the plasma sprayed LSCC coating contained the characteristic pore network, the coated samples presented apparent advantages in reducing oxidation growth of STS-430, resulting a decrease in oxide scale thickness of sim1µm at 800°C after 1200h. The area specific resistance of the LSCC coated STS-430 was much reduced to sim7;mOmegacdotcm2 after exposure at 800°C for 1200h, compared to that of the pristine STS-403.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials