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화력발전소 발생 플라이애쉬를 이용한 인공골재 제조
Fabrication of Lightweight Aggregates Using Fly Ash from Coal Burning Heat Power Plant
Su-Jong Yoon
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2006;13(2):102-107
부산대학교 나노정보소재공학과
Department of Nanomaterials Engineering, Pusan National University
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Recycling industrial wastes such as fly ash from a coal burning heat power plant and shell from an oyster farming were investigated to prevent environment contamination as well as to enhance the value of recycling materials. In this study, the lightweight aggregates and the red bricks were fabricated from fly ashes with other inorganic materials and wastes. The starting materials of the lightweight aggregate were fly ash powder and water glass, and the compacts of these materials were heat treated at 1100°C. The fabricated lightweight aggregates had low bulk density, 0.9-1.2;g/cm3, hence floated on the water and had the strength of 7.0-11.0 MPa and the modulus of 2900-3300 MPa which indicates it has enough strength as the aggregate. Another type of the light weight aggregate was prepared from fly ashes, shell powders and clays. The bulk density, porosity, and compressive strength of these aggregates were 1.19-1.34;g/cm3,;18.3sim56.1% and 5-12 MPa, respectively. The addition of a small amount of fly ash powder prevented hydration of the light weight aggregates. The red brick was also fabricated from the fly ash containing materials. It is suitable for the brick facing of a building as it has moderate strength and low water absorption rate.

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