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Fe계 나노결정립 분말의 표면 산화에 따른 전자파 흡수특성
구숙경, 우수정, 문병기, 송용설, 박원욱, 손근용
Effect of the Surface Oxidation on the Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Behavior of a Fe-based Nanocrystalline Alloy
S.K. Koo, S.J. Woo, B.G. Moon, Y.S. Song, W.W. Park, K.Y. Sohn
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2007;14(5):303-308
1인제대학교 나노공학부
2인제대학교 나노공학부
3한국기계연구원 부설 재료연구소
5인제대학교 나노공학부
6인제대학교 나노공학부
1School of Nano Engineering, Inje University
2School of Nano Engineering, Inje University
3Advanced Materials Research Division, Korea Institute of Materials Science
4Research Institute, Amosense Co.
5School of Nano Engineering, Inje University
6School of Nano Engineering, Inje University
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The oxidation of Fe_73Si_16B_7Nb_3Cu_1 nanocrystalline powder has been conducted to investigate its influence on the electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics of the soft magnetic material. Oxidation occurred primarily on the surface of nanocrystals. Oxidation reduced the real part of complex permeability due to the reduction of the relative volume of the powder, which otherwise contributes to the permeability. Oxidation reduced the absorption efficiency of the sheet at frequencies over 1GHz, indicating that the relative contribution of skin depth increments to the absorption was not significant. The pulverization and milling process lowered the optimum crystallization temperature of the material by 40sim50°C because of the internal energy accumulated during the fragmentation and powder thinning processes.

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