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전기방전소결을 이용한 Ti-Ni-Zr 준 결정상의 상변화 연구와 Ti, W 다공체 제작
조재영, 송기안, 이민하, 이효수, 이원희, 김기범
Phase Transformation of Ti-Ni-Zr Icosahedral Phase and Fabrication of Porous Ti and W Compacts using Electro-Discharge Sintering
J.Y. Cho, G.A. Song, M.H. Lee, H.S. Lee, W.H. Lee, K.B. Kim
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2011;18(2):149-158
1세종대학교 신소재공학과
2세종대학교 신소재공학과
5세종대학교 신소재공학과
6세종대학교 신소재공학과
1Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University
2Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University
3Advanced Materials Division, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)
4Advanced Materials Division, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)
5Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University
6Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University
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Electro-Discharge Sintering (EDS) employs a high-voltage/high-current-density pulse of electrical energy, discharged from a capacitor bank, to instantaneously consolidate powders. In the present study, a single pulse of 0.57-1.1 kJ/0.45 g-atomized spherical Ti_52Zr_28Ni_20 powders in size range of 10~30 and 30sim50µm consisting of beta-(Ti, Zr) and icosahedral phases were applied to examine the structural evolution of icosahedral phase during EDS. Structural investigation reveals that high electrical input energy facilitates complete decomposition of icosahedral phase into C14 laves and beta-(Ti, Zr) phases. Moreover, critical input energy inducing decomposition of the icosahedral phase during EDS depends on the size of the powder. Porous Ti and W compacts have been fabricated by EDS using rectangular and spherical powders upon various input energy at a constant capacitance of 450µF in order to verify influence of powder shape on microstructure of porous compacts. Besides, generated heat (DeltaH) during EDS, which is measured by an oscilloscope, is closely correlated with powder size.

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