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HOME > J Korean Powder Metall Inst > Volume 18(4); 2011 > Article
자기펄스 압축성형법으로 성형된 Ag-SnO2 접점소재의 미세조직 및 특성
박종석, 김영재, 이민하, 이효수, 홍순직, 이진규
Microstructure and Characteristics of Ag-SnO2 Contact Materials Prepared by Magnetic Pulsed Compaction
J.S. Park, Y.J. Kim, M.H. Lee, H.S. Lee, S.J. Hong, J.K. Lee
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2011;18(4):372-377
1공주대학교 신소재공학부
2공주대학교 신소재공학부
3한국생산기술연구원 희소금속산업기술센터
4한국생산기술연구원 희소금속산업기술센터
5공주대학교 신소재공학부
6공주대학교 신소재공학부
1Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University
2Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University
3Rare Metals R&D group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
4Rare Metals R&D group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
5Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University
6Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University
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In this study, we reported the microstructure and properties of Ag-SnO_2 contact materials fabricated by a controlled milling process with subsequent consolidation. The milled powders were consolidated to bulk samples using a magnetic pulsed compaction process. The nano-scale SnO_2 phases were distributed homogeneously in the Ag matrix after the consolidation. The relative density and hardness of the Ag-SnO_2 contact materials were 95~96% and 89~131 Hv, respectively.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials