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HOME > J Korean Powder Metall Inst > Volume 19(1); 2012 > Article
밀링 에너지 변화에 따른 TiC 분말의 미세화 거동에 관한 정량적 연구
홍성모, 박은광, 김경열, 박진주, 이민구, 이창규, 이진규, 권영순
Quantitative Study on the Refinement Behaviors of TiC Powders Produced by Mechanical Milling Under Different Impact Energy
Sung-Mo Hong, Eun-Kwang Park, Kyeong-Yeol Kim, Jin-Ju Park, Min-Ku Lee, Chang-Kyu Rhee, Jin-Kyu Lee, Young-Soon Kwon
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2012;19(1):32-39
1공주대학교 신소재공학부
2한국원자력연구원 원자력재료개발부
3한국원자력연구원 원자력재료개발부
4한국원자력연구원 원자력재료개발부
5한국원자력연구원 원자력재료개발부
6한국원자력연구원 원자력재료개발부
7공주대학교 신소재공학부
8울산대학교 첨단소재공학부
1Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University
2Nuclear Materials Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
3Nuclear Materials Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
4Nuclear Materials Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
5Nuclear Materials Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
6Nuclear Materials Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
7Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongj
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This study investigated refinement behaviors of TiC powders produced under different impact energy conditions using a mechanical milling process. The initial coarse TiC powders with an average diameter of 9.3 µm were milled for 5, 20, 60 and 120 mins through the conventional low energy mechanical milling (LEMM, 22G) and specially designed high energy mechanical milling (HEMM, 65G). TiC powders with angular shape became spherical one and their sizes decreased as the milling time increased, irrespective of milling energy. Based upon the FE-SEM and BET results of milled powders, it was found initial coarse TiC powders readily became much finer near 100 nm within 60 min under HEMM, while their sizes were over 200 nm under LEMM, despite the long milling time of up to 120 min. Particularly, ultra-fine TiC powders with an average diameter of 77 nm were fabricated within 60 min in the presence of toluene under HEMM.

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