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중성자 회절법에 의한 Ni-W 합금 소결체의 격자상수 측정
김찬중, 김민우, 박순동, 전병혁, 장석원, 성백석
Estimation of a Lattice Parameter of Sintered Ni-W Alloy Rods by a Neutron Diffraction Method
Chan-Joong Kim, Min-Woon Kim, Soon-Dong Park, Byung-Hyuk Jun, Serk-Won Jang, Baek-Seok Seong
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2008;15(3):239-243
1한국원자력연구원 중성자과학연구부
2한국원자력연구원 중성자과학연구부
3한국원자력연구원 중성자과학연구부
4한국원자력연구원 중성자과학연구부
5한국원자력연구원 중성자과학연구부
6한국원자력연구원 중성자과학연구부
1Neutron Science Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
2Neutron Science Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
3Neutron Science Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
4Neutron Science Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
5Neutron Science Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
6Neutron Science Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
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Ni-W(1-5 at.%) alloy rods were made by powder metallurgy process including powder mixing, compacting and subsequent sintering. Ni and W powder of appropriate compositions were mixed by a ball milling and isostatically pressed in a rubber mold into a rod. The compacted rods were sintered at 1000°C-1150°C at a reduced atmosphere for densification. The lattice parameters of Ni-W alloys were estimated by a high resolution neutron powder diffractometer. All sintered rods were found to have a face centered cubic structure without any impurity phase, but the diffraction peak locations were linearly shifted with increasing W content. The lattice parameter of a pure Ni rod was 3.5238AA which is consistent with the value reported in JCPDS data. The lattice parameter of N-W alloy rods increased by 0.004AA for 1 atomic % of W, which indicates the formation of a Ni-W solid solution due to the substitution of nickel atoms by tungsten atoms of larger size.

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