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Young-Soon Kwon 18 Articles
Quantitative Study on the Refinement Behaviors of TiC Powders Produced by Mechanical Milling Under Different Impact Energy
Sung-Mo Hong, Eun-Kwang Park, Kyeong-Yeol Kim, Jin-Ju Park, Min-Ku Lee, Chang-Kyu Rhee, Jin-Kyu Lee, Young-Soon Kwon
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2012;19(1):32-39.
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This study investigated refinement behaviors of TiC powders produced under different impact energy conditions using a mechanical milling process. The initial coarse TiC powders with an average diameter of 9.3 µm were milled for 5, 20, 60 and 120 mins through the conventional low energy mechanical milling (LEMM, 22G) and specially designed high energy mechanical milling (HEMM, 65G). TiC powders with angular shape became spherical one and their sizes decreased as the milling time increased, irrespective of milling energy. Based upon the FE-SEM and BET results of milled powders, it was found initial coarse TiC powders readily became much finer near 100 nm within 60 min under HEMM, while their sizes were over 200 nm under LEMM, despite the long milling time of up to 120 min. Particularly, ultra-fine TiC powders with an average diameter of 77 nm were fabricated within 60 min in the presence of toluene under HEMM.


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  • Compaction and Sintering Characteristics of High Energy Ball Milled Mn-Zn Ferrite Powders
    Hyunseung Lee, Hoseong Rhee, Sangsoo Lee, Si Young Chang
    Korean Journal of Materials Research.2021; 31(12): 677.     CrossRef
  • Fabrication of titanium carbide nano-powders by a very high speed planetary ball milling with a help of process control agents
    Sung-Mo Hong, Jin-Ju Park, Eun-Kwang Park, Kyeong-Youl Kim, Jung-Gu Lee, Min-Ku Lee, Chang-Kyu Rhee, Jin Kyu Lee
    Powder Technology.2015; 274: 393.     CrossRef
  • Control of Y2O3 phase and its nanostructure formation through a very high energy mechanical milling
    M.K. Lee, E.K. Park, J.J. Park, C.K. Rhee
    Journal of Solid State Chemistry.2013; 201: 56.     CrossRef
  • Fabrication of Fe coated Mg Based Desulfurization Powder by Mechanical Alloying Process
    Joon-Woo Song, Otaduy Guillermo, Byong-Sun Chun, Soon-Jik Hong
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2012; 19(3): 226.     CrossRef
  • Synthesis and structural properties of Ni–20Cr–2Y2O3 nanocomposite alloy prepared by a very high energy mechanical milling
    M.K. Lee, J.J. Park, C.K. Rhee
    Materials Chemistry and Physics.2012; 137(1): 129.     CrossRef
Effect of Electrical Parameters and Surrounding Gas on the Electroexplosive Tungsten Nanopowders Characteristics
Young-Soon Kwon, Jin-Chun Kim, Alexander P. Ilyin, Olga B. Nazarenko, Dmitry V. Tikhonov
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2012;19(1):49-54.
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Tungsten nanopowders were produced by the method of wires electrical explosion in the different gases. The study of phase and dispersed composition of the powders was carried out. The influence of electrical parameters such as the value of energy input in wire and the arc stage of the explosion was discussed. The factors that make for decreasing the particles size are the lower pressure of surrounding gas and the use of addition of chemically reactive gas.


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  • Comparison of different tungsten precursors for preparation of tungsten nanopowder by RF induction thermal plasma
    Dongyoon Shin, Basudev Swain, Chulwoong Han, Yonghwan Kim, Chan-Gi Lee, Kyung-Soo Park
    International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.2020; 86: 104995.     CrossRef
  • Facile Synthesis of Single-Phase Alpha-Tungsten Nanopowders from Ammonium Paratungstate by RF Induction Thermal Plasma and Thermochemical Reduction
    Dongyoon Shin, Hyun-Woo Shim, Basudev Swain, Kyung-Soo Park, Chan-Gi Lee
    Korean Journal of Metals and Materials.2020; 58(11): 798.     CrossRef
  • In-situ synthesis of tungsten nanoparticle attached spherical tungsten micro-powder by inductively coupled thermal plasma process
    Chulwoong Han, Hyunwoong Na, Yonghwan Kim, Hanshin Choi
    International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.2015; 53: 7.     CrossRef
  • Characterization of aluminum nanopowders after long-term storage
    O.B. Nazarenko, Yu.A. Amelkovich, A.I. Sechin
    Applied Surface Science.2014; 321: 475.     CrossRef
Electroexplosive Technology of Nanopowders Production: Current Status and Future Prospects
Young-Soon Kwon, Jin-Chun Kim, Alexander P. Ilyin, Olga B. Nazarenko, Dmitry V. Tikhonov
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2012;19(1):40-48.
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The current situation of the nanopowders production technology based on the process of electrical explosion of wires is described. The advantages and disadvantages of the electroexplosive technology are indicated. The results of studies characterizing the effect of the electrical explosion conditions on the nanopowders properties are presented, including latest results: conditions of nanopowders passivation, conditions of nanopowders production having narrow size distribution, the methods of nanopowders diagnostic and standartization. In addition, the application and area of future research on this technology are proposed.


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  • Characterization of Naturally Aged Iron Nanopowder Produced by Electrical Explosion of Wires
    Olga B. Nazarenko, Alexander I. Sechin, Yuliya A. Amelkovich
    Metals and Materials International.2021; 27(5): 962.     CrossRef
  • Development of Effectual Substrates for SERS by Nanostructures-on flexible surfaces
    Hammad R. Humud, Fatimah Jumaah Moaen
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series.2021; 2114(1): 012084.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Factors Affecting the Parameters of Combustion of Aluminum Nanopowders in the Bulk Layer
    Alexander I. Sechin, Olga B. Nazarenko, Yuliya A. Amelkovich, Andrey A. Sechin
    Materials Science Forum.2019; 970: 257.     CrossRef
  • Effect of electron beam irradiation on thermal and mechanical properties of aluminum based epoxy composites
    P.M. Visakh, O.B. Nazarenko, C. Sarath Chandran, T.V. Melnikova, S.Yu. Nazarenko, J.-C. Kim
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry.2017; 136: 17.     CrossRef
  • Investigation of coatings produced by the electrospark machining method of steel 45 with electrodes based on carbides of tungsten and titanium
    S. V. Nikolenko, N. A. Syui
    Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces.2017; 53(5): 889.     CrossRef
  • Influence of long-term storage on fire hazard properties of metal nanopowders
    O S Kyrmakova, A I Sechin, O B Nazarenko
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series.2017; 881: 012027.     CrossRef
  • A Study of the Preparation and Properties of Antioxidative Copper Inks with High Electrical Conductivity
    Chia-Yang Tsai, Wei-Chen Chang, Guan-Lin Chen, Cheng-Huan Chung, Jun-Xiang Liang, Wei-Yang Ma, Tsun-Neng Yang
    Nanoscale Research Letters.2015;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Characterization of copper nanopowders after natural aging
    Yu A Amelkovich, O B Nazarenko, A I Sechin, P M Visakh
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.2015; 81: 012072.     CrossRef
  • Characterization of aluminum nanopowders after long-term storage
    O.B. Nazarenko, Yu.A. Amelkovich, A.I. Sechin
    Applied Surface Science.2014; 321: 475.     CrossRef
  • Effect of the Gas Composition at the Electrical Explosion of Wires on the Nanopowders Properties
    Olga B. Nazarenko, Alexander P. Ilyin, Dmitry V. Tikhonov
    Advanced Materials Research.2013; 872: 142.     CrossRef
  • Prospects of Using Nanopowders as Flame Retardant Additives
    Olga B. Nazarenko, Yulia A. Amelkovich, Alexander P. Ilyin, Alexander I. Sechin
    Advanced Materials Research.2013; 872: 123.     CrossRef
A Study on the Behavior of Combustion Wave Propagation and the Structure of Porous TiNi Body during Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis Process
Ji-Soon Kim, Victor E. Gjuntera, Jin-Chun Kim, Young-Soon Kwon
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2010;17(1):29-35.
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We produced cylindrical porous TiNi bodies by Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) process, varying the heating schedule prior to ignition of a loose preform compact made from (Ti+Ni) powder mixture. To investigate the effect of the heating schedule on the behaviour of combustion wave propagation and the structure of porous TiNi shape-memory alloy (SMA) body, change of temperature in the compact during SHS process was measured as a function of time and used for determining combustion temperature and combustion wave velocity. Microstructure of produced porous TiNi SMA body was observed and the results were discussed with the combustion characteristics. From the results it was concluded that the final average pore size could be controlled either by the combustion wave velocity or by the average temperature of the preform compact prior to ignition.


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  • Microwave-induced substitutional-combustion reaction of Fe3O4/Al ceramic matrix porous composite
    C. C. Lee, N. Yoshikawa, S. Taniguchi
    Journal of Materials Science.2011; 46(21): 7004.     CrossRef
The Formation and Crystallization of Amorphous Ti50Cu50Ni20Al10 Powder Prepared by High-Energy Ball Milling
Nguyen Hoang Viet, Jin-Chun Kim, Ji-Soon Kim, Young-Soon Kwon
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2009;16(1):9-15.
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Amorphization and crystallization behaviors of Ti_50Cu_50Ni_20Al_10 powders during high-energy ball milling and subsequent heat treatment were studied. Full amorphization obtained after milling for 30 h was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope. The morphology of powders prepared using different milling times was observed by field-emission scanning electron microscope. The powders developed a fine, layered, homogeneous structure with prolonged milling. The crystallization behavior showed that the glass transition, T_g, onset crystallization, T_x, and super cooled liquid range DeltaT=T_x-T_g were 691,771 and 80 K, respectively. The isothermal transformation kinetics was analyzed by the John-Mehn-Avrami equation. The Avrami exponent was close to 2.5, which corresponds to the transformation process with a diffusion-controlled type at nearly constant nucleation rate. The activation energy of crystallization for the alloy in the isothermal annealing process calculated using an Arrhenius plot was 345 kJ/mol.


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  • Mechanical Properties of Bulk Amorphous Ti50Cu20Ni20Al10Fabricated by High-energy Ball Milling and Spark-plasma Sintering
    H.V. Nguyen, J.C. Kim, J.S. Kim, Y.J. Kwon, Y.S. Kwon
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2009; 16(5): 358.     CrossRef
Synthesis and Spark-plasma Sinetring of Nanoscale Al/alumina Powder by Wire Electric Explosion Process
Ji-Soon Kim, H. T. Kim, A. P. Illyin, Young-Soon Kwon
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2005;12(5):351-356.
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Nanoscale Al powder with thin layer of alumina was produced by Wire Electric Explosion (WEE) process. Spark-Plasma Sintering (SPS) was performed for the produced powder to confirm the effectiveness of SPS like so-called 'surface-cleaning effect' and so on. Crystallite size and alumina content of produced powder varied with the ratio of input energy to sublimation energy of Al wire (e/e_s): Increase in (e/e_s) resulted in the decrease of crystallite size and the increase of alumina content. Shrinkage curve during SPS process showed that the oxide surface layer could not be destroyed near the melting point of Al. It implied that there was not enough or no spark-plasma effect during SPS for Al/Alumina powder.
Kinetic and Thermodynamic Features of Combustion of Superfine Aluminum Powders in Air
Young-Soon Kwon, Pyuck-Pa Park, Ji-Soon Kim, Alexander Gromov, Chang-Kyu Rhee
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2004;11(4):308-313.
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An experimental study on the combustion of superfine aluminum powders (average particle diameter, a_s: ∼0.1 µtextrmm) in air is reported. The formation of aluminum nitride during the combustion of aluminum in air and the influence of the combustion scenario on the structures and compositions of the final products are in the focus of this study. The experiments were conducted in an air (pressure: 1 atm). Superfine aluminum powders were produced by the wire electrical explosion method. Such superfine aluminum powder is stable in air but once ignited it can burn in a self-sustaining way due to its low bulk: density (∼0.1 g/㎤) and a low thermal conductivity. During combustion, the temperature and radiation were measured and the actual burning process was recorded by a video camera. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and chemical analysis were performed on the both initial powders and final products. It was found that the powders, ignited by local heating, burned in a two-stage self-propagating regime. The products of the first stage consisted of unreacted aluminum (-70 mass %) and amorphous oxides with traces of AlN. After the second stage the AlN content exceeded 50 mass % and the residual Al content decreased to ∼10 mass %. A qualitative discussion is given on the kinetic limitation for AlN oxidation due to rapid condensation and encapsulation of gaseous AlN.N.
Phase Transformation by the Oxidation of Air-passivated W and Mo Nanopowders Produced by an Electrical Explosion of Wires
Young-Soon Kwon, Ji-Soon Kim, Alexander A. Gromov, Moon-Hee Hong
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2004;11(2):130-136.
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The passivation and oxidation process of tungsten and molybdenum narlopowders, produced by electrical explosion of wires was studied by means of FE-SEM, XPS. XRD, TEM, DIA-TGA and sire distribution analysis. In addition, the phase transformation of W and Mo nanopowders under oxidation in air was investigated. A chemical process is suggested for the oxidation of W and Mo nano-particles after a comprehensive testing of passivated and oxidized powders.


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  • Preparation of Mo nanopowders through hydrogen reduction of a combustion synthesized foam-like MoO2 precursor
    Siyong Gu, Mingli Qin, Houan Zhang, Jidong Ma, Xuanhui Qu
    International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.2018; 76: 90.     CrossRef
In-situ Synthesis of Cu-TiB2 Nanocomposite by MA/SPS
Young-Soon Kwon, Ji-Soon Kim, Hwan-Tae Kim, Jin-Soo Moon, Dudina D.V, Lomovsky O.I.
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(6):443-447.
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Nano-sized TiB_2 was in situ synthesized in copper matrix through self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) with high-energy ball milled Ti-B-Cu elemental mixtures as powder precursors. The size of TiB_2 particles in the product of SHS reaction decreases with time of preliminary mechanical treatment ranging from 1 in untreated mixture to 0.1 in mixtures milled for 3 min. Subsequent mechanical treatment of the product of SHS reaction allowed the TiB_2 particles to be reduced down to 30-50 nm. Microstructural change of TiB_2-Cu nanocomposite during spark plasma sintering (SPS) was also investigated. Under simultaneous action of pressure, temperature and electric current, titanium diboride nanoparticles distributed in copper matrix move, agglomerate and form a interpenetrating phase composite with a fine-grained skeleton.
Characteristics of Nano-dispersed Powder by Electric Explosion of Conductors
Young-Soon Kwon, Ji-Soon Kim, Jin-Soo Moon, Hwan-Tae Kim, Alexander-P Ilyin, Chang-Kyu Rhee, Geun-Hie Rim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(6):430-435.
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The phenomenon of electrical explosion of conductors is considered in the context of the changes in the energy and structural states of the metal at the stages of energy delivery and relaxation of the primary products of EEC. It is shown that these changes are related to the forced interaction of an intense energy flux with matter and to the subsequent spontaneous relaxation processes. The characteristics of nano-sized metal powders are also discussed. The preferential gas media during EEC is Ar+H_2. An increase in e/e_s (in the range of values studied) leads to a reduction in the metal content. For reactive powders obtained with high metal content, it is necessary to separate the SFAP fractions, which settled on the negative electrode of the electric filter.
Application of Nanodispersed Powders Produced by Wire Electrical Explosion Method
Nikolay Yavorovsky, Peter Balukhtin, Young-Soon Kwon, Ji-Soon Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(3):151-156.
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In the present work some properties of nanopowders and possible areas of their applications are discussed. Main attention is paid to the use of nanodispersed powders (NDP) in new materials production technologies.
Morphology, Phase Contents, and Chemical Composition of Nanopowders Produced by the Electrical Explosion of Tin-Lead Alloy Wires
Young-Soon Kwon, Alexander P. Ilyin, Dmitrii V. Tichonov
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(3):157-160.
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Phase contents and elemental composition of ultradispersed powders obtained by the electrical explosion of tin-leadalloy powders are investigated. It is demonstrated that during the explosion and subsequent cooling, surface layers of powder particles are enriched in lead compared to the initial alloy. The thermal stability of powders oxidizing in air is also investigated.
Regulation of the Dispersed Composition of Aluminum Oxide Nanopowders Produced by Electrical Explosion
Young-Soon Kwon, Olga B. Nazarenko, Alexander P. Ilyin
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(3):161-163.
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The feasibility of obtaining highly dispersed aluminum oxide powders by the electrical explosion of aluminum conductors in an inert gas atmosphere and the subsequent oxidation of aluminum particles by water prior to their contact with air is demonstrated. For a specific surface area of the initial aluminum powder of 6.5m2/g, the corresponding specific surface area of the resultant aluminum oxide nanopowder was as large as 300m2/g.


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  • Electroexplosive Technology of Nanopowders Production: Current Status and Future Prospects
    Young-Soon Kwon, Jin-Chun Kim, Alexander P. Ilyin, Olga B. Nazarenko, Dmitry V. Tikhonov
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2012; 19(1): 40.     CrossRef
Mechanical Alloying Effect in Immiscible Cu-Based Alloy Systems.
Chung-Hyo Lee, Seong-Hee Lee, Ji-Soon Kim, Young-Soon Kwon
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(3):164-167.
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The mechanical alloying effect has been studied on the three Cu-based alloy systems with a positive heat of mixing. The extended bcc solid solution has been formed in the Cu-V system and an amorphous phase in the Cu-Ta system. However, it is round that a mixture of nanocrystalline Cu and Mo Is formed in the Cu-Mo system. The neutron diffraction has been employed at a main tool to characterize the detailed amorphization process. The formation of an amorphous phase in Cu-Ta system can be understood by assuming that the smaller Cu atoms preferentially enter into the bcc Ta lattice during ball milling.


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  • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 3vol%CNT Reinforced Cu Matrix Composite Fabricated by a Powder in Sheath Rolling Method
    Seong-Hee Lee
    Korean Journal of Materials Research.2020; 30(3): 149.     CrossRef
  • Synthesis of Ultra Fine Titanium-Tungsten Carbide Powder from Titanium Dioxide and Ammonium Metatungstate
    Gil-Geun Lee, Gook-Hyun Ha
    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS.2009; 50(1): 187.     CrossRef
  • Synthesis of WC Nanosized Powder by the Plasma Arc Discharge Process
    Seoung Soo Lee, Dong Won Joo, Yeon Gil Jung, Chul Jin Choi
    Key Engineering Materials.2007; 336-338: 2086.     CrossRef
  • Characterization of Ni Nanopowders Produced by Electrical Explosion of Wire Technique
    Hwan Tae Kim, Won Sik Seo, Dae Hwan Kwon, Pyuck Pa Choi, Ji Soon Kim, Young Soon Kwon
    Materials Science Forum.2006; 510-511: 710.     CrossRef
TiB2-Cu Interpenetrating Phase Composites Produced by Spark-plasma Sintering
Young-Soon Kwon, Dina V. Dudina, Oleg I. Lomovsky, Michail A. Korchagin, Ji-Soon Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(3):168-171.
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Interpenetrating phase composites of TiB_2-Cu system were produced via Spark-Plasma Sintering (SPS) oi nanocomposite powders. Under simultaneous action of pressure, temperature and electric current titanium diboride nanoparticles distributed in copper matrix move, agglomerate and form a fine-grained skeleton. Increasing SPS-temperature and he]ding time promote densification due to local melting of copper matrix When copper melting is avoided the compacts contain 17-20% porosity but titanium diboride skeleton is still formed representing the feature of SPS . High degree of densification and formation of titanium diboride network result in increased hardness of high-temperature SPS-compacts.
Densification Behavior of Mechanically Alloyed NiAl Powder Compact during Spark-plasma Sintering and its Mechanical Property
Ji-Soon Kim, Soon-Ho Jung, Young-Il Jang, Young-Soon Kwon
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(3):172-175.
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Mechanically-alloyed NiAl powder was sintered by Spark-Plasma Sintering (SPS) process. Densification and behavior mechanical property were determined from the experimental results and analysis ,such as changes in linear shrinkage, shrinkage rate, microstructure, and phase during sintering process, Victors hardness, and (TRS). Above 97% relative density was obtained after sintering at 1150°C for 5 min. Crystallite size determined by the Scherrer method was approximately 50 nm. From the X-ray diffraction analysis it was confirmed that the sintered bodies were composed mainly of NiAl phase together with Ni_3Al phase. Measured Vickers hardness and TRS value were 555pm10 H_v and 1393pm75 MPa , respectively.


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  • Densification and Mechanical Property of Nanostructured NiAl Produced by Mechanical-Alloying and Spark-Plasma Sintering
    Ji Soon Kim, S.-H. Jung, Young Do Kim, Chung Hyo Lee, Young Soon Kwon
    Materials Science Forum.2004; 449-452: 1101.     CrossRef
Spark Plasma Sintering Behavior of Binderless WC Powders
Hwan-Tae Kim, Dong-Wook Park, Ji-Soon Kim, Young-Soon Kwon, Hye-Suk Kwon, Eung-Ryul Baek
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2003;10(3):176-180.
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Pure WC powders which does not include a binder phase were consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) process at 1600~1850°C for 0~30 min under 50 MPa. Microstructure alid mechanical properties of binderless WC prepared by SPS were investigated. With increasing sintering temperature, sintered density and Vickers hardness of binderless WC increased. The fracture toughness of binderless WC was 7~15 MPa m1/2 depending on the sintered density and decreased with increasing the Vickers hardness. It is found that the binderless WC prepared by SPS at 1750°C for 10 min under 50 MPa showed nearly full densification with fine-grained structure and revealed excellent mechanical properties of high hardness (~HV 2400) and considerably high fracture toughness (~7 MPa m1/2).


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  • Improvement of Surface Properties of Inconel718 by HVOF Coating with WC-Metal Powder and by Laser Heat Treatment of the Coating
    Hui Gon Chun, Tong Yul Cho, Jae Hong Yoon, Gun Hwan Lee
    Advances in Materials Science and Engineering.2015; 2015: 1.     CrossRef
  • Improving the Properties of Magnetic Bearing Shaft Material by HVOF Coating of WC-Metal Powder and Laser Heat Treatment
    T.Y. Cho, Y.K. Joo, J. H. Yoon, H. G. Chun, S.H. Zhang
    Advanced Materials Research.2012; 560-561: 1052.     CrossRef
  • Surface Modification by HVOF Coating of Micron-Sized WC-Metal Powder and Laser-Heating of the Coating
    Tong Yul Cho, Jae Hong Yoon, Sung Kang Hur, Hui Gon Chun, Shi Hong Zhang
    Materials Science Forum.2011; 686: 654.     CrossRef
  • Surface properties and tensile bond strength of HVOF thermal spray coatings of WC-Co powder onto the surface of 420J2 steel and the bond coats of Ni, NiCr, and Ni/NiCr
    Tong Yul Cho, Jae Hong Yoon, Jae Young Cho, Yun Kon Joo, Jin Ho Kang, Shihong Zhang, Hui Gon Chun, Soon Young Hwang, Sik Chol Kwon
    Surface and Coatings Technology.2009; 203(20-21): 3250.     CrossRef
  • Rapid sintering process and mechanical properties of binderless ultra fine tungsten carbide
    Hwan-Cheol Kim, Jin-Kook Yoon, Jung-Mann Doh, In-Yong Ko, In-Jin Shon
    Materials Science and Engineering: A.2006; 435-436: 717.     CrossRef
  • Consolidation and properties of binderless sub-micron tungsten carbide by field-activated sintering
    Hwan-Cheol Kim, In-Jin Shon, J.E. Garay, Z.A. Munir
    International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.2004; 22(6): 257.     CrossRef
Mechanically Driven Decomposition of Intermetallics
Young-Soon Kwon, Hyun-Sik Kim, Konstantin B. Gerasimov
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2002;9(6):422-432.
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Mechanically driven decomposition of intermetallics during mechanical milling(MM 1 was investigated. This process for Fe-Ce and Fe-Sn system was studied using conventional XRD, DSC, magnetization and alternative current susceptibility measurements. Mechanical alloying and milling form products of the following composition (in sequence of increasing Gecontent): alpha(alpha_1) bcc solid solution, alpha+beta-phase (Fe_2-xGe), beta-phase, beta+FeGe(B20), FeGE(B20), FeGe(B20)+FeGe_2,FeGe_2,FeGe_2+Ge, Ge. Incongruently melting intermetallics Fe_6Ge_5 and Fe_2Ge_3 decompose under milling. Fe_6Ge_5 produces mixture of hata-phase and FeGe(B20), Fe_2Ge_3 produces mixture of FeGe(B20) and FeGe_2 phases. These facts are in good agreement with the model that implies local melting as a mechanism of new phase for-mation during medchanical alloying. Stability of FeGe(B20) phase, which is also incongruently melting compound, is explained as a result of highest density of this phase in Fe-Ge system. Under mechanical milling (MM) in planetary ball mill, FeSn intermetallic decomposes with formation Fe_5Sn_3 and FeSn_2 phases, which have the biggest density among the phases of Fe-Sn system. If decomposition degree of FeSn is relatively small(<60%), milled powder shows superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature. For this case, magnetization curves can be fitted by superposition of two Langevin functions. particle sizes for ferromagnetic Fe_5Sn_3 phase determined from fitting parameters are in good agreement with crystalline sizes determined from XRD data and remiain approximately chageless during MM. The decomposition of FeSn is attributed to the effects of local temperature and local pressure produced by ball collisions.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials