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Hyung-Jun Kim 3 Articles
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Microstructural and Wear Properties of WC-based and Cr3C2-based Cermet Coating Materials Manufactured with High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Process
Yeon-Ji Kang, Gi-Su Ham, Hyung-Jun Kim, Sang-Hoon Yoon, Kee-Ahn Lee
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2018;25(5):408-414.   Published online October 1, 2018
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This study investigates the microstructure and wear properties of cermet (ceramic + metal) coating materials manufactured using high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) process. Three types of HVOF coating layers are formed by depositing WC-12Co, WC-20Cr-7Ni, and Cr3C2-20NiCr (wt.%) powders on S45C steel substrate. The porosities of the coating layers are 1 ± 0.5% for all three specimens. Microstructural analysis confirms the formation of second carbide phases of W2C, Co6W6C, and Cr7C3 owing to decarburizing of WC phases on WC-based coating layers. In the case of WC-12Co coating, which has a high ratio of W2C phase with high brittleness, the interface property between the carbide and the metal binder slightly decreases. In the Cr3C2-20CrNi coating layer, decarburizing almost does not occur, but fine cavities exist between the splats. The wear loss occurs in the descending order of Cr3C2-20NiCr, WC-12Co, and WC-20Cr-7Ni, where WC-20Cr-7Ni achieves the highest wear resistance property. It can be inferred that the ratio of the carbide and the binding properties between carbide–binder and binder–binder in a cermet coating material manufactured with HVOF as the primary factors determine the wear properties of the cermet coating material.


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  • Tribological Behavior Analysis of WC-Ni-Cr + Cr3C2 and WC-Ni-Cr + YSZ Coatings Sprayed by HVOF
    Tae-Jun Park, Gye-Won Lee, Yoon-Suk Oh
    journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2023; 30(5): 415.     CrossRef
  • Effects of different HVOF thermal sprayed cermet coatings on tensile and fatigue properties of AISI 1045 steel
    Gi-Su Ham, R. Kreethi, Hyung-jun Kim, Sang-hoon Yoon, Kee-Ahn Lee
    Journal of Materials Research and Technology.2021; 15: 6647.     CrossRef
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Effect of Heat Treatment Environment on the Microstructure and Properties of Kinetic Sprayed Tantalum Coating Layer
Ji-Hye Lee, Hyung-Jun Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2015;22(1):32-38.   Published online February 1, 2015
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The effect of heat treatment environment on the microstructure and properties of tantalum coating layer manufactured by kinetic spraying was examined. Heat treatments are conducted for one hour at 800°C, 900°C, and 1000°C in two different environments of vacuum and Ar gas. Evaluation of microstructure and physical properties are conducted. High density α- tantalum single phase coating layer with a porosity of 0.04% and hardness of 550 Hv can be obtained. As heat treatment temperature increases, porosity identically decreases regardless of heat treatment environment (vacuum and Ar gas). Hardness of heat treated coating layer especially in Ar gas environment deceases from 550 Hv to 490 Hv with increasing heat treatment temperature. That in vacuum environment deceases from 550 Hv to 530 Hv. The boundary between particles became vague as heat treatment temperature increases. Oxygen distribution of tantalum coating layer is minute after heat treatment in vacuum environment than Ar gas environment.


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  • Sintering Behavior and Microstructures of Tantalum and Tantalum-Tungsten Alloys Powders
    Youngmoo Kim, Sung Ho Yang, Seong Lee, Sung Ho Lee, Joon-Woong Noh
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2020; 27(5): 373.     CrossRef
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Manufacturing of Cu Repair Coating Material Using the Kinetic Spray Process and Changes in the Microstructures and Properties by Heat Treatment
Min-Gwang Jeon, Hyung-Jun Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2014;21(5):349-354.   Published online October 1, 2014
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This study is a basic research for repair material production which manufactured a Cu repair coating layer on the base material of a Cu plate using kinetic spray process. Furthermore, the manufactured material underwent an annealing heat treatment, and the changes of microstructure and macroscopic properties in the Cu repair coating layer and base material were examined. The powder feedstocks were sphere-shaped pure Cu powders with an average size of 27.7 μm. The produced repair coating material featured 600 μm thickness and 0.8% porosity, and it had an identical α-Cu single phase as the early powder. The produced Cu repair coating material and base material displayed extremely high adhesion characteristics that produced a boundary difficult to identify. Composition analysis confirmed that the impurities in the base material and repair coating material had no significant differences. Microstructure observation after a 500°C/1hr. heat treatment (vacuum condition) identified recovery, recrystallization and grain growth in the repair coating material and featured a more homogeneous microstructure. The hardness difference (ΔHv) between the repair coating material and base material significantly reduced from 87 to 34 after undergoing heat treatment.


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  • Manufacturing of Large-Scale Cold-Sprayed Ta Target Material and Its Sputtering Property
    Gi-Su Ham, Dong-Yeol Wi, Jun-Mo Yang, Kee-Ahn Lee
    Journal of Thermal Spray Technology.2019; 28(8): 1974.     CrossRef
  • High-temperature thermo-mechanical behavior of functionally graded materials produced by plasma sprayed coating: Experimental and modeling results
    Kang Hyun Choi, Hyun-Su Kim, Chang Hyun Park, Gon-Ho Kim, Kyoung Ho Baik, Sung Ho Lee, Taehyung Kim, Hyoung Seop Kim
    Metals and Materials International.2016; 22(5): 817.     CrossRef
  • Fabrication and Microstructure/Properties of Bulk-typeTantalum Material by a Kinetic Spray Process
    Ji-Hye Lee, Ji-Won Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2016; 23(1): 8.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Heat Treatment Environment on the Microstructure and Properties of Kinetic Sprayed Tantalum Coating Layer
    Ji-Hye Lee, Hyung-Jun Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2015; 22(1): 32.     CrossRef

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials