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Ik-Hyun Oh 3 Articles
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Property Evaluation of Tungsten-Carbide Hard Materials as a Function of Binder
Ju-Hun Kim, Ik-Hyun Oh, Jeong-Han Lee, Sung-Kil Hong, Hyun-Kuk Park
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2019;26(2):132-137.   Published online April 1, 2019
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Tungsten carbide (WC) hard materials are used in various industries and possess a superior hardness compared to other hard materials. They have particularly high melting points, high strength, and abrasion resistance. Accordingly, tungsten carbide hard materials are used for wear-resistant tools, cutting tools, machining tools, and other tooling materials. In this study, the WC-5wt.%Co, Fe, Ni hard materials are densified using the horizontal ball milled WC-Co, WC-Fe, and WC-Ni powders by a spark plasma sintering process. The WC-5Co, WC-5Fe, and WC-5Ni hard materials are almost completely densified with a relative density of up to 99.6% after simultaneous application of a pressure of 60 MPa and an electric current for about 15 min without any significant change in the grain size. The average grain size of WC-5Co, WC-5Fe, and WC-5Ni that was produced through SPS was about 0.421, 0.779, and 0.429 μm, respectively. The hardness and fracture toughness of the dense WC-5Co, WC-5Fe, WC-5Ni hard materials were also investigated.


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  • Synthesis of W2C by Spark Plasma Sintering of W-WC Powder Mixture and Its Etching Property
    Gyu-Sang Oh, Sung-Min Lee, Sung-Soo Ryu
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2020; 27(4): 293.     CrossRef
  • Fabrication and Properties of Densified Tungsten by Magnetic Pulse Compaction and Spark Plasma Sintering
    Eui Seon Lee, Jongmin Byun, Young-Keun Jeong, Sung-Tag Oh
    Korean Journal of Materials Research.2020; 30(6): 321.     CrossRef
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Fabrication and Mechanical Property of Fe-20Cu-1C Compacts by SPS process with Different Heating Rate
Jung-Han Ryu, Soo-Sik Shin, Byung-Rok Ryu, Kyung-Sik Kim, Jun-Ho Jang, Ik-Hyun Oh, Kap-Tae Kim, Hyun-Kuk Park
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2017;24(4):302-307.   Published online August 1, 2017
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In this study, Fe-Cu-C alloy is sintered by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The sintering conditions are 60 MPa pressure with heating rates of 30, 60 and 9°C/min to determine the influence of heating rate on the mechanical and microstructure properties of the sintered alloys. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the sintered Fe-Cu-C alloy is investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The temperature of shrinkage displacement is changed at 450°C with heating rates 30, 60, and 90°C/min. The temperature of the shrinkage displacement is finished at 650°C when heating rate 30°C/min, at 700°C when heating rate 60oC/min and at 800°C when heating rate 90oC/min. For the sintered alloy at heating rates of 30, 60, and 90oC/min, the apparent porosity is calculated to be 3.7%, 5.2%, and 7.7%, respectively. The hardness of the sintered alloys is investigated using Rockwell hardness measurements. The objective of this study is to investigate the densification behavior, porosity, and mechanical properties of the sintered Fe-Cu-C alloys depending on the heating rate.


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  • Effect of Milling Time and Addition of PCA on Austenite Stability of Fe-7%Mn Alloy
    Seung-Jin Oh, In-Jin Shon, Seok-Jae Lee
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2018; 25(2): 126.     CrossRef
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Fabrication and Property Evaluation of Cu-Mn Compacts for Sputtering Target Application by a Pulsed Current Activated Sintering Method
Jun-Ho Jang, Ik-Hyun Oh, Jae-Won Lim, Hyun-Kuk Park
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2016;23(1):1-7.   Published online February 1, 2016
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Cu-Mn compacts are fabricated by the pulsed current activated sintering method (PCAS) for sputtering target application. For fabricating the compacts, optimized sintering conditions such as the temperature, pulse ratio, pressure, and heating rate are controlled during the sintering process. The final sintering temperature and heating rate required to fabricate the target materials having high density are 700°C and 80°C/min, respectively. The heating directly progresses up to 700°C with a 3 min holding time. The sputtering target materials having high relative density of 100% are fabricated by employing a uniaxial pressure of 60 MPa and a sintering temperature of 700°C without any significant change in the grain size. Also, the shrinkage displacement of the Cu-Mn target materials considerably increases with an increase in the pressure at sintering temperatures up to 700°C.


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  • Fabrication and Mechanical Property of Fe-20Cu-1C Compacts by SPS process with Different Heating Rate
    Jung-Han Ryu, Soo-Sik Shin, Byung-Rok Ryu, Kyung-Sik Kim, Jun-Ho Jang, Ik-Hyun Oh, Kap-Tae Kim, Hyun-Kuk Park
    Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute.2017; 24(4): 302.     CrossRef

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials