- Expansion of Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes and its Lithium Storage Property
Jung-Ho Ahn, Jeong-Seok Ahn
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2017;24(4):275-278. Published online August 1, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2017.24.4.275
In the present work, we apply a technique that has been used for the expansion of graphite to multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). The nanotubes are rapidly heated for a short duration, followed by immersion in acid solution, so that they undergo expansion. The diameter of the expanded CNTs is 5-10 times larger than that of the asreceived nanotubes. This results in considerable swelling of the CNTs and opening of the tube tips, which may facilitate the accessibility of lithium ions into the inner holes and the interstices between the nanotube walls. The Li-ion storage capacity of the expanded nanotubes is measured by using the material as an anode in Li-ion cells. The result show that the discharge capacity of the expanded nanotubes in the first cycle is as high as 2,160 mAh/g, which is about 28% higher than that of the un-treated MWCNT anode. However, the charge/discharge capacity quickly drops in subsequent cycles and finally reaches equilibrium values of ~370 mAh/g. This is possibly due to the destruction of the lattice structures by repeated intercalation of Li ions.