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Jongman Lee 1 Article
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The Effects of Kaolin Addition on the Properties of Reticulated Porous Diatomite-kaolin Composites
Chae-Young Lee, Sujin Lee, Jang-Hoon Ha, Jongman Lee, In-Hyuck Song, Kyoung-Seok Moon
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2020;27(4):325-332.   Published online August 1, 2020
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In this study, the effects of kaolin addition on the properties of reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composites are investigated. A reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composite is prepared using the replica template method. The microstructure and pore characteristics of the reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composites are analyzed by controlling the PPI value (45, 60, and 80 PPI) of the polyurethane foam (which are used as the polymer template), the ball-milling time (8 and 24 h), and the amount of kaolin (0–50 wt. %). The average pore size decreases as the amount of kaolin increases in the reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composite. As the amount of kaolin increases, it can be determined that the amount of inter-connected pore channels is reduced because the plate-shaped kaolin particles connect the gaps between irregular diatomite particles. Consequently, a higher kaolin percentage affects the overall mechanical properties by improving the pore channel connectivity. The effect of kaolin addition on the basic properties of the reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composite is further discussed with characterization data such as pore size distribution, scanning electron microscopy images, and compressive strength.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials