- Phase Developments and Microstructure Changes of Calcium Phosphate Powders Synthesized by Recycling Eggshell
Sang-Jin Lee, Joo-Won Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2004;11(5):391-398.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4150/KPMI.2004.11.5.391
- Calcium phosphate powders were successfully synthesized by using re-cycled eggshell and phosphoric acid. The crystallization behavior and powder morphologies of the synthesized powders were dependent on the starting condition of the eggshell, the mixing ratio and method of the eggshell and phosphoric acid, and calcination temperature. In general, beta-tricalcium phosphate was stably synthesized at about 900°C for 1h at each proper mixing ratio. And, the synthesized powders showed the similar microstructures to the morphology of original eggshell with uniform particle sizes. In this study, the calcium phosphate powders were synthesized with eggshell in various processing method. And their unique microstructures obtained from the eggshell were also. observed. The crystalline developments and microstructures of the synthesized powders were examined by X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscopy.