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Nuri Oh 1 Article
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Effect of H2SO4 and Reaction Time on Synthesis of 5Mg(OH)2∙MgSO4∙3H2O Whiskers using Hydrothermal Reaction
Areum Choi, Nuri Oh, YooJin Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2020;27(5):401-405.   Published online October 1, 2020
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Magnesium hydroxide sulfate hydrate (MHSH) whiskers were synthesized via a hydrothermal reaction by using MgO as the reactant as well as the acid solution. The effects of the H2SO4 amount and reaction time at the same temperature were studied. In general, MHSH whiskers were prepared using MgSO4 in aqueous ammonia. In this work, to reduce the formation of impurities and increase the purity of MHSH, we employed a synthesis technique that did not require the addition of a basic solution. Furthermore, the pH value, which was controlled by the H2SO4 amount, acted as an important factor for the formation of high-purity MHSH. MgO was used as the raw material because it easily reacts in water and forms Mg+ and MgOH+ ions that bind with SO4 2- ions to produce MHSH. Their morphologies and structures were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


Citations to this article as recorded by  
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  • Effect of sulfate ion on synthesis of 5 Mg(OH)2·MgSO4·3H2O whiskers using non-hydrothermal method with acid catalyst
    Areum Choi, Nuri Oh, YooJin Kim
    Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society.2022; 59(2): 224.     CrossRef

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials