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STS 316L 소결체의 대기중 고온산화 거동
김혜성, 이종필, 박동규, 안인섭
The Oxidation Behavior of Sintered STS 316L at High-Temperature in the Air
Hye Seong Kim, Jong Pil Lee, Dong Kyu Park, In Shup Ahn
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2013;20(6):432-438
1경상대학교 나노.신소재융합공학부 및 LINC사업단
2경상대학교 나노.신소재융합공학부 및 LINC사업단
3경상대학교 나노.신소재융합공학부 및 LINC사업단
4경상대학교 나노.신소재융합공학부 및 LINC사업단
1School of Nano.Advanced Meterial Science & Engineering and LINC, Gyeongsang National University
2School of Nano.Advanced Meterial Science & Engineering and LINC, Gyeongsang National University
3School of Nano.Advanced Meterial Science & Engineering and LINC, Gyeongsang National University
4School of Nano.Advanced Meterial Science & Engineering and LINC, Gyeongsang National University
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In this study, analysis on the oxidation behavior was conducted by a series of high-temperature oxidation tests at both 800°C, 900°C and 1000 in the air with sintered STS 316L. The weight gain of each oxidized specimen was measured, the oxidized surface morphologies and composition of oxidation layer were analyzed with Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive x-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), finally, the phase change and composition of the oxidized specimen were shown by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). As a result, the weight gain increased sharply at 1000°C when oxidation test was conducted for 210 hours. Also, a plentiful of pores were observed in the surface oxidation layers at 900°C for 210 hours. In addition, the following conclusions on oxidation behavior of sintered STS 316L can be obtained: Cr_2O_3 can be formed on pores by influxing oxygen through open-pores, (Fe_0.6Cr_0.4)_2O_3 can be generated on the inner oxidation layer, and Fe_2O_3 was on the outer oxidation layer. Also, NiFe_2O_4 could be precipitated if the oxidation time was kept longer.

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