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HOME > J Korean Powder Metall Inst > Volume 15(1); 2008 > Article
자기펄스 가압성형법에 의한 알루미나 나노분말의 치밀화 및 특성 평가
강래철, 이민구, 김홍회, 이창규, 홍순직
Densification of Al2O3 Nanopowder by Magnetic Pulsed Compaction and Their Properties
R.C. Kang, M.K. Lee, W.W. Kim, C.K. Rhee, S.J. Hong
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2008;15(1):37-45
1공주대학교 신소재공학부
2한국원자력연구원 재료연구부
3한국원자력연구원 재료연구부
4한국원자력연구원 재료연구부
5공주대학교 신소재공학부
1Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University
2Nuclear Materials Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
3Nuclear Materials Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
4Nuclear Materials Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
5Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University
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This article presents the challenges toward the successful consolidation of Al_2O_3 nanopowder using magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC). In this research the ultrafine-structured Al_2O_3 bulks have been fabricated by the combined application of magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC) and subsequent sintering, and their properties were investigated. The obtained density of Al_2O_3 bulk prepared by the combined processes was increased with increasing MPC pressure from 0.5 to 1.25 GPa. Relatively higher hardness and fracture toughness in the MPCed specimen at 1.25 GPa were attributed to the retention of the nanostructure in the consolidated bulk without cracks. The higher fracture toughness could be attributed to the crack deflection by homogeneous distribution and the retention of nanostructure, regardless of the presence of porosities. In addition, the as consolidated Al_2O_3 bulk using magnetic pulsed compaction showed enhanced breakdown voltage.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials