W-Cu composite has been used for the applications requiring both high strength, good thermal and electrical conductivity. A graded combination of W and Cu will reduce thermal stress concerned with heat conduction, maintaining good thermal conductivity and high mechanical strength. In the present work, an attempt was made to fabricate continuous W-Cu FGM by preparing the graded porous structure of W skeleton using spark plasma sintering (SPS) process followed by infiltrating Cu. The graded porous structure was prepared at 1500°C for 60s under pressure of 15MPa by SPS process using a graphite mold with varying crr)ss section in the longitudinal direction. Infiltration of Cu was performed at 1150°C for 1 hour under H_2. W-Cu composite with graded Cu composition of 14 to 27 wt% was finally prepared. In this process the gradient of composition could be conveniently controlled by varying the gradient of cross sectional area of graphite mold, temperature and pressure.