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Ni 나노 분말을 이용한 안정한 현탁액 제조 및 특성
이은희, 이민구, 이창규
Preparation and Characterization of Stable Suspensions of Ni Nanoparticles
Eun-Hee Lee, Min-Ku Lee, Chang-Kyu Rhee
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2006;13(2):138-143
1한국원자력연구소, 원자력나노소재응용 Lab
2한국원자력연구소, 원자력나노소재응용 Lab
3한국원자력연구소, 원자력나노소재응용 Lab
1Nuclear Nano Materials Development Lab, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
2Nuclear Nano Materials Development Lab, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
3Nuclear Nano Materials Development Lab, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
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In this study, the effects of the dispersants, i.e., Hypermer KD-2 and poly(l-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP), and their concentration on the dispersion stability of Ni nanoparticles (10nmsim40nm) in ethanol were investigated by using a visual inspection, a transmission profile (Turbiscan), and a zeta potential measurement. The transmission profiles measured by Turbiscan showed that the particle size increased over the entire height of the sample for suspensions with both the dispersants without showing any particle coalescence and sedimentation. The visual inspection also confirmed that the Ni suspensions with Hypermer KD-2 and PVP were very stable for more than a year. The zeta potential values varied from positive to negative with increasing the dispersant's concentration. The dispersion stability of the suspensions was not affected by both the dispersant's concentration and the zeta potential values. The observed suspension stability of Ni nanoparticles was attributed to the steric effect for the Hypermer KD-2 and to the bridging effect for the PVP.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials