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기계화학공정에 의한 (Pb, La)TiO3 나노 분말의 합성 및 소결 특성 연구
이영인, 구용성, 이종식, 좌용호
Research on Synthesis and Sintering Behavior of Nano-sized (Pb, La)TiO3 Powders Using Mechano Chemical Process
Young-In Lee, Yong-Sung Goo, Jong-Sik Lee, Yong-Ho Choa
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 2010;17(2):101-106
1한양대학교 정밀화학공학과
2한양대학교 정밀화학공학과
3한양대학교 정밀화학공학과
4한양대학교 정밀화학공학과
1Department of Fine Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University
2Department of Fine Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University
3Department of Fine Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University
4Department of Fine Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University
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In this study, we successfully synthesized a nano-sized lanthanum-modified lead-titanate (PLT) powder with a perovskite structure using a high-energy mechanochemical process (MCP). In addition, the sintering behavior of synthesized PLT nanopowder was investigated and the sintering temperature that can make the full dense PLT specimen decreased to below 1050°C by using Bi_2O_3 powder as sintering agent. The pure PLT phase of perovskite structure was formed after MCP was conducted for 4 h and the average size of the particles was approximately 20 nm. After sintered at 1050 and 1150°C, the relative density of PLT was about 93.84 and 95.78%, respectively. The density of PLT increased with adding Bi_2O_3 and the specimen with the relative densitiy over 96% were fabricated below 1050°C when 2 wt% of Bi_2O_3 was added.

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials