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Microstructure and Characteristics of Ag-SnO2-Bi2O3 Contact Materials by Powder Compaction
Jin Kyu Lee
J Powder Mater. 2022;29(1):41-46.   Published online February 1, 2022
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In this study, we report the microstructure and characteristics of Ag-SnO2-Bi2O3 contact materials using a controlled milling process with a subsequent compaction process. Using magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC), the milled Ag-SnO2-Bi2O3 powders have been consolidated into bulk samples. The effects of the compaction conditions on the microstructure and characteristics have been investigated in detail. The nanoscale SnO2 phase and microscale Bi2O3 phase are well-distributed homogeneously in the Ag matrix after the consolidation process. The successful consolidation of Ag-SnO2-Bi2O3 contact materials was achieved by an MPC process with subsequent atmospheric sintering, after which the hardness and electrical conductivity of the Ag-SnO2-Bi2O3 contact materials were found to be 62–75 HV and 52–63% IACS, respectively, which is related to the interfacial stability between the Ag matrix, the SnO2 phase, and the Bi2O3 phase.

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Microstructure and Electric Contact Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered Ta-Cu Composite
Won Ju, Young Do Kim, Jae Jin Sim, Sang-Hoon Choi, Soong Keun Hyun, Kyoung Mook Lim, Kyoung-Tae Park
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2017;24(5):377-383.   Published online October 1, 2017
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  • 1 Citations
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Microstructure, electric, and thermal properties of the Ta-Cu composite is evaluated for the application in electric contact materials. This material has the potential to be used in a medium for a high current range of current conditions, replacing Ag-MO, W, and WC containing materials. The optimized SPS process conditions are a temperature of 900°C for a 5 min holding time under a 30 MPa mechanical pressure. Comparative research is carried out for the calculated and actual values of the thermal and electric properties. The range of actual thermal and electric properties of the Ta-Cu composite are 50~300W/mk and 10~90 %IACS, respectively, according to the compositional change of the 90 to 10 wt% Ta-Cu system. The results related to the electric contact properties, suggest that less than 50 wt% of Ta compositions are possible in applications of electric contact materials.


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  • Formation mechanism, microstructural features and dry-sliding behaviour of “Bronze/WC carbide” composite synthesised by atmospheric pulsed-plasma deposition
    V.G. Efremenko, Yu.G. Chabak, V.I. Fedun, K. Shimizu, T.V. Pastukhova, I. Petryshynets, A.M. Zusin, E.V. Kudinova, B.V. Efremenko
    Vacuum.2021; 185: 110031.     CrossRef

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials