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Fabrication of Layered Cu-Fe-Cu Structure by Cold Consolidation of Powders using High-pressure Torsion
Peyman Asghari-Rad, Yeon Taek Choi, Nhung Thi-Cam Nguyen, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Hyoung Seop Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2021;28(4):287-292.   Published online August 1, 2021
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In this study, the layered structures of immiscible Fe and Cu metals were employed to investigate the interface evolution through solid-state mixing. The pure Fe and Cu powders were cold-consolidated by high-pressure torsion (HPT) to fabricate a layered Cu-Fe-Cu structure. The microstructural evolutions and flow of immiscible Fe and Cu metals were investigated following different iterations of HPT processing. The results indicate that the HPTprocessed sample following four iterations showed a sharp chemical boundary between the Fe and Cu layers. In addition, the Cu powders exhibited perfect consolidation through HPT processing. However, the Fe layer contained many microcracks. After 20 iterations of HPT, the shear strain generated by HPT produced interface instability, which caused the initial layered structure to disappear.


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  • Supreme tensile properties in precipitation-hardened 316L stainless steel fabricated through powder cold-consolidation and annealing
    Do Won Lee, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Yoon-Uk Heo, Sujung Son, Hyojin Park, Ji-Su Lee, Jae-il Jang, Byeong-Joo Lee, Hyoung Seop Kim
    Materials Science and Engineering: A.2024; 893: 146107.     CrossRef
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Fabrication of FeCuNi alloy by mechanical alloying followed by consolidation using high-pressure torsion
Peyman Asghari-Rad, Yongju Kim, Nhung Thi-Cam Nguyen, Hyoung Seop Kim
J Korean Powder Metall Inst. 2020;27(1):1-7.   Published online February 1, 2020
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In this research, a new medium-entropy alloy with an equiatomic composition of FeCuNi was designed using a phase diagram (CALPHAD) technique. The FeCuNi MEA was produced from pure iron, copper, and nickel powders through mechanical alloying. The alloy powders were consolidated via a high-pressure torsion process to obtain a rigid bulk specimen. Subsequently, annealing treatment at different conditions was conducted on the four turn HPT-processed specimen. The microstructural analysis indicates that an ultrafine-grained microstructure is achieved after post-HPT annealing, and microstructural evolutions at various stages of processing were consistent with the thermodynamic calculations. The results indicate that the post-HPT-annealed microstructure consists of a dual-phase structure with two FCC phases: one rich in Cu and the other rich in Fe and Ni. The kernel average misorientation value decreases with the increase in the annealing time and temperature, indicating the recovery of HPT-induced dislocations.


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  • Effects of nickel content and annealing temperature on the magnetic characteristics of nanostructured FeCu alloys
    Abderrahmane Younes
    Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef

Journal of Powder Materials : Journal of Powder Materials